Dear all members
As a direct consequence of the rapidly worsening situation regarding the spread of the Corona Virus; in consultation and agreement with my committee, I have decided to take the follow necessary action in order to avoid member's personal infection or the spreading of infection to others.
Regrettably, weekly Monday evening meetings and the "main" meeting, on the third Monday of each month, of the Weston super Mare Radio Society are to be suspended with immediate effect and for the foreseeable future.
A large proportion of our members are in the high risk category and I think it prudent that we cease meeting in numbers and visiting the Social Club at the present time.
Members who should also have Social Club membership, can of course continue to meet at the Social Club on a Monday evening should they wish to do so, for as long at the Social Club remains open, but that will be of the personal choice of the individual.
Regarding the sale of surplus equipment planned for tomorrow evening, this event is to be postponed until a later date sometime in the Autumn.
Please use our club frequencies of 145.350 MHz VHF and 432.650 MHz UHF and our Club What's app group to keep in touch with each other.
May I wish you all good health.
Dave Dyer G4CXQ
Weston super Mare Radio Society.