Michael Jones M0VLN
29/2/1944 - 24/12/2018
I saw an entry on a social media website, posted by one of our Club members that read, "Mike was a big part of the Radio Club for me".
That was such a true statement as Mike was such a big part of the Radio Club for all of us.
The Weston super Mare Radio Society has been in existence since 1923 and I think it's fair to say, that Mike did more for the Society in the relatively few years that he had been a member than probably anyone else ever has.
Mike really loved attending the Club on Monday evenings and one of the activities that he particularly liked was running, the "junior section" as he liked to call it, when he would spend time showing and helping the youngsters to build various items of radio equipment for themselves.
Mike also helped to train several of our present members, often in his own home, to pass the technical exam, in order for them to obtain their own transmitting licence.
Mike also loved his collection of military WW2 wireless sets, most of which he had painstakingly restored to their original working condition, proudly displaying them on the shelves in his "man cave museum".
Mike enjoyed showing these sets off at various event, such as Armed Forces Day on beach lawns at Weston, where you could usually find him dressed in uniform to look the part.
He loved discussing the sets with members of the public, especially if they were from a military background and loved chatting to the public about Amateur Radio in general, usually ending up, inviting them to come along and to join the Club.
Mike served for several years on our committee and for one year he served as Chairman, having to resign due to health issues. Mike played a big part in the planning and organisation of our Club's activities and always took an active part. On the day, being there from start to finish.
One of Mike's many other talents was his ability to cook. Whenever we did overnight competition for example, Mike would always be there, no matter how early in the morning to ensure we all had a good breakfast.
For many years Mike had been running Clock Fairs and it was through the years of experience that he had gained running those that enabled him to instigate, the running of our own Radio Rally. Mike knew exactly what was needed and how to go about organising one.
In fact we have now run several very successful events all thanks to Mike and indeed, it's all thanks to Mike that our Club's coffers are fuller than they have ever been.
It's also thanks to Mike and his foresight from the running of these Radio Rallies that we have been able to purchase our own caravan, to use at events.
Even through his failing health, Mike planned out and converted the caravan into the fully equipped radio shack that it now is.
Mike was such a wonderful, kind, thoughtful and caring person who devoted so much of his time to the Weston super Mare Radio Society and is certainly going to be sadly missed, by all of our members.
But apart from Mike's love of radio and the Weston super Mare radio club, Mike was a true friend to many of us and none so more than to me.
Dave Dyer G4CXQ
Weston super Mare Radio Society
22nd January 2019