Armed Forces Day
Saturday 22 June 2019
10:00 to 17:00
On June 22-23 WSMRS will again be hosting a stand at the event - as we have in previous years. Not a massive event in terms of radio operation, but a great opportunity to promote your club to the general public.
Some considerable work has already been done to try and make the event successful, but there is still more to do over the weekend itself. Not least setting up and taking down the Caravan and Display but also helping to man the stand during the event.
It would be great to see club members visit the Caravan during the 2 days - but even better if you could lend a hand and "lighten the load" a little for those who always pitch in. I'm sure that the core team would agree that any help is appreciated :)
If you are able to help then please let me know and I can give Dave and the others some idea of what resources might be available.
Thanks in anticipation for your help to make this a great event!
73 Barry